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KC 1005 RO Chemicals KC - 1005 is a range of high purity synthetic cleaners, used to remove alkaline scales and metal oxide deposits from membranes and associated pipe work. Grades Offered: HIGH PH RO MEMBRANE CLEAN
KC 1004 RO Chemicals KC - 1004 is a range of high purity synthetic cleaners, used to remove alkaline scales and metal oxide deposits from membranes and associated pipe work. Grades Offered: LOW PH RO CLEANER
KC 1003 RO Chemicals KC - 1003 is a range of specific Antiscalants for Reverse Osmosis Membrane effective in controlling deposition of inorganic scales. Grade: LOW PH ANTISCALANT FOR RO
KC 1002 RO Chemicals KC - 1002 is a range of specific Antiscalants for Reverse Osmosis Membrane effective in controlling deposition of inorganic scales. Grade: LOW PH ANTISCALANT FOR RO
KC-1001 RO Chemicals KC - 1001 is a range of specific Antiscalants for Reverse Osmosis Membrane effective in controlling deposition of inorganic scales.
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